The entire Gold Coast SUNS senior squad participated in a 90-minute road safety seminar this week, as part of an on-going Drive Awareness Program aimed at educating the playing group on the life-threatening consequences that can occur on our roads.

Presented by Rod Campbell from the South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service, the players were taken through extremely graphic vision of car accidents and the risks associated with speeding, drink driving, driving under the influence and the effects of fatigue. 

GC SUNS Player Welfare– Sam Coen, told the educational seminar had been designed to create further awareness of road safety on the Gold Coast.

“The program was used to create road safety awareness, and illustrate to the playing group what is acceptable on the roads,” he said.

Jason Austin, who was left a paraplegic as a result of a motorcycle crash, delivered a chilling motivational talk to the players – lifting himself out of his wheelchair at one stage and laying himself on the ground as he showed the audience his life-changing disability.

Despite the confronting nature of the program, Coen said the afternoon had been met with praise from the senior players.

"It was certainly very confronting but the shock tactics definitely helped with the delivery of the message," Coen said. 

"We want our players and club to set the right examples on the road and act as leaders within our community."

"We look forward to continuing our work in the welfare space."