Play to your Strengths

-  Aligns to the Australian curriculum

-  Learning areas: Health and Physical Education and Digital Technologies

-  General capabilities: Personal and Social Capabilities, Critical and Creative Thinking as well as Literacy

-  Teacher driven and delivered through our online SUNS learning platform

-  Draw on international expertise while using SUNS football players (men and women) in an engaging way to help kids discover and work to their individual character strengths

-  Celebrate differences and help kids overcome problems by improving their relationships and creating a greater sense of wellbeing

-  Includes a short Teacher course that provides all the resources and tips needed to assist with planning and implementation, including lesson plans

This unique program is FREE! Whilst having a digital focus, schools will receive additional physical activity resources to deliver the program.

-  Four 60-90 minute lessons for students driven by teachers

- The fifth lesson is project based learning with a focus on applying strengths in action

All participating schools will be invited to an end of program celebration at People First Stadium with SUNS players.

For further enquiries about the Play to Your Strengths program or to register, click Here